Open Application

Are you the kind and  driven colleague that will

help us build a better future?

About Logiqs

Our Purpose

Your mission in life is to find your calling, purpose or Ikigai, now or later. The purpose of Logiqs is “Accelerate access to honest food”. What does that mean? We believe food scarcity globally can be eliminated, among others using Indoor or Vertical Farming.

Honest food means regenerative, scalable, consistent, healthy and affordable food. Enabled by technology but with human intentions and values, being fair to people and the planet.

Our Culture

As part of our culture, we want to align ourselves as much as possible with the gaming mindset and values and infuse them into our workplace. Work values like collaboration, tribe loyalty, self organization, short feedback loops, ambition, purpose, transparency and fast decisions. At Logiqs we’re not afraid of failing while trying to achieve meaningful goals. We’re just afraid of failing slowly.

Heroic Failure awards

We are launching a heroic failure award which supports making unique and smart mistakes and even promoting it across the whole company, in order to learn as a tribe. Failing is just one step closer to bigger success. We don’t blame and shame, we share, forgive, learn and love.

Institutional Yes

In most organizations it is easy for a manager to say no to a new idea. In our company, the team leader/decision factor has to explain by e-mail why he or she says no. In this way we ensure more ideas flourish from the bottom to the top. Our default is thus an institutional yes.

Our Ambitions

Even though our company has been around for more than 45 years, our ambitions are more comparable to ones of a start-up. We want to disrupt our industry and we fully understand that we can only achieve our goals though sustainable exponential growth. For us this also means an even bigger focus on sustainability, on quality and on collaboration. Our company fully embraces the need for a circular economy and we understand that we need to develop our solutions and services in a way that is regenerative, restorative, or reusable.

Our Core Values


What you see is what you get. At Logiqs we do business in an open and honest way. Completely transparent. Just as importantly, we do what we promise.

Of course, when making our products, we choose to use only high-quality, honest materials.

But honesty goes beyond that: with our products, we want to give every entrepreneur who wants to produce honest food the opportunity to actually do so.

Because we believe that everyone, anywhere in the world, is entitled to an honest livelihood.


At Logiqs, we think being kind to one another is really important.

We care for each other, as we care for our customers (who we actually mainly see as partners) and are respectful to the world around us.

We think collaboratively, we are solution-oriented and try to deal with each other and our environment in the most pleasant way possible.


We feel that curiosity is the fuel of every pioneer and that creativity arises when curiosity thrives.

We’re curious about the world around us, about our customers and what they want. We’re also curious about technology and about how we can best use technology to better understand plants and how to help people grow them better.

It is that drive that allows us to be constantly moving forward and figure out how we make something even better, even more efficient, even more accessible.


Last year we celebrated our 45th anniversary.

Our quality is something that’s been widely experienced by growers worldwide and it’s definitely something we’re proud of.

Time and time again, our team manages to come up with great innovations and then bring them to reality. So yeah, we are proud of that! 

Proud of the beautiful products we make, proud of the company, of our amazing customers and partners and we’re especially proud of each other.


With only one earth with many people and a limited amount of raw materials, each has its own responsibility for the future.

At Logiqs we all try to deal with this in the best possible way we can.

With attention and respect for the earth, for the customer and for each other.

At Logiqs, everyone needs to be able to feel good, thrive and grow. In addition, we feel responsible for what we do as a company: our customers need to know that they can count on us and that we do everything we can to serve them as well as possible.

We’re really looking forward to hear from you!

    Phone: +31 174 514141
    Address: Honderdland 841, 2676 LV Maasdijk, The Netherlands