About Koppert Cress

Koppert Cress is one of the largest and most successful cress growers in the world.
Koppert Cress specializes in cresses; seedlings of unique plants, which each have their own specific effect on the senses. Flavour, fragrance, feel or presentation, there is a cress for all. And the assortment is widening.

Because of the focus on growing the highest possible quality of plants in a sustainable way, Koppert Cress’s greenhouse facilities are always evolving.


New York,



 Cresses and Microgreens


Automated rolling bench system and climate cell



3 hectares

While the greenhouse was already build and in use, only half of the growing surface was using a rolling bench system. So in this phase of the project, we ware asked to equip the remaining half with a rolling bench system and fully integrate the automation in the entire greenhouse.

This phase of the build adds another 6.500 m2 of growing surface on rolling benches, which is connected to the existing logistical system through Automatic transport lines.
The existing manual transport lines in the greenhouse have also been automated by retrofitting them with ADU motors and making the transport line fully automatic.

Besides the new growing area, Koppert Cress also built a state of the art 1.000m2 Climate storage-room for which they asked us to design and build a fully automated multi-level logistical system.

This automatic Climate cell uses 9 Overhead cranes. Each crane operates 10 stacks of 13 rolling benches each. Totalling up to a full capacity of 1.170 benches.

What makes this climate storage-cell special is not only it’s capacity to house almost 6.000 m2 of plants at one time, but also the high input/output speed and it’s high availability.

The Overhead cranes from Logiqs have been implemented in countless project worldwide and differentiate themselves from the competition through their durable design and superior build quality.


The system will be controlled using our own Control and Registration software: Dat-A-Control.

The Cold Room also takes full advantage of the capabilities of Dat-A-Control and allows for automated reorganising tasks to be performed during down-time so that the plants that are ready for expedition are prepared for efficient expedition.

This project was made possible through the close collaboration with Vijverberg Advies Tuinbouw Projecten B.V.

After sales services

Logiqs has its own experienced installation and service team based in the Netherlands, but also collaborates with reliable service engineer teams in several countries so as to prevent unnecessary installation or maintenance costs.

Our customers can always rely on prompt and efficient attention for routine maintenance, breakdown or emergency situations. Routine preventative maintenance can be tailored to the customer’s choice, with service intervals to suit the specific needs of the logistical system.

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Get In Touch With Us

    Phone: +31 174 514141
    Email: info@logiqs.nl
    Address: Honderdland 841, 2676 LV Maasdijk, The Netherlands