Rolling bench cleaning
and disinfection

Optimal hygiene for your grow surface.

The possibility to fully automate the cleaning of the growing surface is another huge advantage of using a Logiqs rolling bench system.

The work area of the greenhouse can be fitted with a Logiqs automated bench cleaner, that insures that the rolling benches are uniformly washed and disinfected using high pressure cleaning nozzles.

Better hygiene = less chance of plant disease = high roi.

No matter what crop, there is no way to ignore just how important good hygiene is in a production greenhouse.
The automated bench cleaning solutions from Logiqs, allow the grower to establish an much more efficient workflow, where benches are immediately sent the cleaner after harvest, before being stacked in a buffer awaiting the next use.
This saves the grower time, labour costs and also minimises the possibility of bottlenecks due to dirty benches.

Our Cleaners come with front feed (100 Degree Cleaner) and top feed (180 Degree Cleaner).

How do we design the flow?

The import and export of containers is usually done by an OHK (overhead crane), but can also be combined with an input via a pipe track or A-track.

All the operations of the machines are controlled and synchronised by Dat-A-Control, and the user also has the possibility to set automatic cleaning tasks for certain locations in the greenhouse.
For example: a setting can be made so that once a bench has been emptied of flowers and reaches a pick-up location, it’s picked up automatically by the crane and taken to the cleaner, without the need for human intervention.

Depending on the hourly capacity needed for the cleaner, Logiqs designes a custom logistics solution that can fulfil the specific requirements.

Why a Logiqs rolling bench system?

Our long-term relationships with growers help us to fully understand their needs and ambitions and reach the desired automation results at the best possible price point.

We believe in sustainable automation and we don’t automate just for the sake of doing so. Because we only succeed when our customers are also successful in their production activities.

When necessary, long term phased plans can be made where the grower can fully understand how the greenhouse’s logistical system can be upgraded in time, even going from manual systems to a full automation level.

Get In Touch With Us

    Phone: +31 174 514141
    Address: Honderdland 841, 2676 LV Maasdijk, The Netherlands